Sandiaga Visits Darul Amin Islamic Boarding School in Madura Receives Campaign Donation

Berita Gram. On January 20, 2019, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno visited Daarul Amin Somber Telur Islamic Boarding School in Pandiyangan Robatal, Sampang District and he was moved to find receiving campaign funding.
Moreover, the donations given directly by the Chairman of the Somar Telur Daarul Amin Islamic Boarding School, KH Abdul Malik Nawawi were from the students and guests who attended the gathering.

"I am always moved to get donations directly from the community. Moreover, this was given directly by the caregivers of the Islamic boarding schools and the santri and guests present. I will not waste this message, "explained the number 02 vice-presidential candidate who had been silent for a moment when given money in a red crackle bag containing pieces of money ranging from coins to Rp. 100,000.
On this occasion, Sandi promised to realize the wishes of the kyai, santri and habib who asked him to improve the people's economy.

Besides that, it embodies business literacy students through OK OCE Movement and Barisan Kyai and Santri Nadhiyin (BKSN).
According to Sandi, Madura has the power of economic potential which if utilized can prosper the people and their communities. Namely the use of solar energy.

"I've been to Madura four times during socialization. Every time here, the sun always shines brightly. This can be used to create energy self-sufficiency. The utilization of this energy is handed over to Islamic boarding schools in Madura. The santri will be educated to become solar power technicians, which we call solar students, "he said clearly.

"So, at night, using PLN, it will save electricity. If you have fulfilled energy in the pesantren, your strength will be given to the surrounding community, this is the essence of Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin, Islam that gives blessings to the universe, "said Sandiaga, the vice presidential candidate and former Governor of DKI Jakarta.

According to this former deputy governor of DKI, Santri must be an agent of change that can bring the Indonesian economy better from today to the future.
Santri who are business literate, santri who create jobs, not looking for work, the Satri must create jobs for the welfare of the Madura community, santri children are very intelligent children.

At the core of the pair Prabowo-Sandi wants to create more jobs for the people of Indonesia, in order to reduce the number of unemployed people in Indonesia.


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